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My Story of Hope on International Women’s Day

My Story of Hope on International Women’s Day

Years ago IWD to me would've been a challenge, seeing lots of incredible women celebrating themselves. The truth was I hated me, I couldn't celebrate someone I hated. I self medicated with food, alcohol, drugs (prescription and non-prescription) and I even tried to...

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Lessons From My New Puppy!

Lessons From My New Puppy!

Against a lot of people's advice I'm getting a puppy! People have advised me against it because I've just lost my beautiful cocker spaniel Flo after 18 years and they say that now isn't the 'right time'. BUT... Why wait to have more love in my life? And who knows what...

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Do THIS and Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever!

Do THIS and Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever!

It’s a brand new YEAR!Let’s get really intentional!How do you want to show up in 2023? What do you want to show up for you in 2023?Start by listing ALL your achievements in 2022 to help you see how AWESOME you are and that you can – and do – achieve things.And...

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