Client Stories

Nat's Story

How to get food freedom - your burning questions answered LIVE by my client!

Stacey's Story

How Stacey stopped bingeing and found food freedom in just 12 weeks!

Jane's Story

Jane's story: how she went from food hell to no more emotional eating and bingeing!

Lou's Story

From gastric bypass and slimming clubs to food freedom: Lou tells us her story

Stella's Story

From destroying her photos because of self-hate to feeling free and knowing she's fantastic!

Janice's Story

 “Rewarding and freeing”. How Janice went from feeling unlovable & bingeing to loving herself and being binge free!

Gill's Story

Gill's WHY for overeating was so deep rooted and surprising - one REALLY interesting reason not to be missed!

Pauline's Story

Overcoming her food issue AND her social anxiety - "It's been fun!" says Pauline. Watch how change can be easy

Nicki's Story

Over 60 years of excessive binge eating completely gone! Watch how Nicki did it

Debbie's Story

See how Debbie gave up constant dieting, stopped binge eating for good and dropped TWO dress sizes in 90 days!

Jennifer's Story

"Life-changing!" How Jennifer went from decades of food addiction hell to food freedom in a few short weeks!

Corinne's Story

Going from thinking she was repulsive and hiding away to loving herself and life. And losing over a stone too!

Sarah's Story

Vicar drops two dress sizes in 12 weeks WITHOUT dieting! Watch Sarah's incredible story

Rachel's Story

Watch how Rachel conquered 60 years of self-loathing to live a happy, healthy life free from binge eating

Karen's Story

Hear how Karen overcame decades of self-loathing and is now liberated from her food prison.

Julia's Story

"It's changed my life!" Going from living to eat to not thinking about food at all, watch Julia's amazing story.

Gail's Story

Gail's experience on the programme was so life-changing that she got a tattoo as a permanent reminder!

Philippa's Story

From feeling absolutely defeated to positively sparkling AND gaining a healthy relationship with food too!

Joy's Story

Watch how Joy lost over 2 stone in just 12 short weeks and all WITHOUT DIETING!

Ruth's Story

From a failed gastric band to no longer thinking about food! Hear how Ruth did it. 

Ann's Story

Going from rock bottom to a hopeful future free of binge eating, watch Ann’s amazing story.

Louisa's Story

18 months on and over 8 stone down! Hear how Louisa finally got the permanent solution she needed.

Polly's Story

“Mind blowing, life changing and empowering”, hear more of Polly’s experience on the programme.

Marion's Story

Finding me and loving me at 67 – “It [the programme] is the best thing I’ve ever done!”

Lydia's Story

Struggling with weight for nearly half a century and now living free from binge eating.

Carol's Story

Decades of bingeing replaced with eating three healthy meals a day.

Michelle's Story

Success at last, after years of trying everything, even a world renowned Harley Street Hypnotherapist!

Kareen's Story

Creating life changes to heal past trauma and build a healthier relationship with food.

Janet's Story

Successfully fixing her emotional dependancy on food for a healthier life.