Binge eating and excessive eating is not about the actual food.

Yep, you heard that right.

So, what is it about?

It’s about the beliefs you have about you

It’s about the beliefs you have about your world

It’s about the beliefs you have about other people

It’s about the emotional connections you’ve created to food

It’s about your inability to put healthy boundaries in place

It’s about your unhealthy people pleasing

It’s about how much fun you’re lacking in your life

It’s about your unhealthy relationship with you

It’s about your inability to say no

It’s about the way you take other people’s emotional baggage and crap on as your own

It’s about you allowing unhealthy behaviours from others

It’s about not seeing yourself as high value

It’s about how you handle stress which is impacted by all of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about the above 

THAT’S what the sliming clubs don’t tell you.

Binge eating and excessive eating is not about the food.

You can count calories and sins and follow regimes as much as you like but until you do the INTERNAL work you’ll stay on that constant binge, restrict, hating yourself loop forever.

But the good news is that all of the above can be fixed VERY quickly, in a matter of weeks, 12 to be precise!

In just 12 weeks you can go from complete food hell to never needing to see another slimming club or doing another horrific weekly weigh-in ever again!

Ready for action? Just Click Here To Start The Process.

© Fresh Forward